How to bolster the antifungal pipeline AmphibiansChytridDisease- resistance targetsWorkgroup 2 How to bolster the antifungal pipeline Author(s): David W. Denning, Michael J. Bromley Publication: SCIENCERandR ADMINApril 20, 2015
Evolution in action: climate change, biodiversity dynamics and emerging infectious disease DiseaseDisease- resistance targetsWorkgroup 1Workgroup 2 Evolution in action: climate change, biodiversity dynamics and emerging infectious disease Author(s): Eric P. Hoberg , Daniel R. Brooks Publication: Philosophical Transactions B Publication Date: 2015RandR ADMINApril 2, 2015
Natural selection of the major histocompatibility complex ( Mhc ) in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae) Avian malariaDisease- resistance targetsWorkgroup 1 Natural selection of the major histocompatibility complex ( Mhc ) in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae) Author(s): SUSAN I. JARVI, CHERYL L. TARR, CARL E. MCINTOSH, et al Pub: Molecular Ecology…RandR ADMINMarch 12, 2015
Genetic structure and evolved malaria resistance in Hawaiian honeycreepers Avian malariaDisease- resistance targetspopulation geneticsRECOMMENDEDWorkgroup 1 Genetic structure and evolved malaria resistance in Hawaiian honeycreepers Author(s): JEFFREY T. FOSTER, BETHANY L. WOODWORTH, LORI E. EGGERT, et al Pub: Molecular Ecology…RandR ADMINMarch 12, 2015
The Innate Immune Response May Be Important For Surviving Plague in Wild Gunnison’s Prarie Dogs Black-footed Ferret WorkshopDisease- resistance targetsPrairie dogsWorkgroup 1 The Innate Immune Response May Be Important For Surviving Plague in Wild Gunnison’s Prarie Dogs Author(s): Joseph D. Busch, Roger Van Andel, Nathan E. Stone, al Pub: Journal of Wildlife…RandR ADMINFebruary 12, 2015
The next generation of rodent eradications 2014 Disease- resistance targetsRECOMMENDEDRNAiRodentsWorkgroup 3 The next generation of rodent eradications 2014 Author: Karl J. Campbell Pub: ScienceDirectRandR ADMINJanuary 28, 2015