How to bolster the antifungal pipeline AmphibiansChytridDisease- resistance targetsWorkgroup 2 How to bolster the antifungal pipeline Author(s): David W. Denning, Michael J. Bromley Publication: SCIENCERandR ADMINApril 20, 2015
Composition of symbiotic bacteria predicts survival in Panamanian golden frogs infected with a lethal fungus AmphibiansWorkgroup 2 Composition of symbiotic bacteria predicts survival in Panamanian golden frogs infected with a lethal fungus Author(s): Matthew H. Becker1, Jenifer B. Walke1, Shawna Cikanek2, et al.. Publication: The Royal Society…RandR ADMINMarch 28, 2015
MHC genotypes associate with resistance to a frog-killing fungus AmphibiansChytridRECOMMENDEDWorkgroup 2 MHC genotypes associate with resistance to a frog-killing fungus Author(s): Savage, Anna E. and Zamudio, Kelly R. Publication: Genetics Publication Date: 8/22/11RandR ADMINMarch 20, 2015
The Invasive Chytrid Fungus of Amphibians Paralyzes Lymphocyte Responses AmphibiansChytridRECOMMENDEDWorkgroup 2 The Invasive Chytrid Fungus of Amphibians Paralyzes Lymphocyte Responses Author(s): Fites, J. Scott; Ramsey, Jeremy P., et. al. Publication: SCIENCE Publication Date: 10/18/13RandR ADMINMarch 20, 2015
Susceptibility of amphibians to chytridiomycosis is associated with MHC class II conformation AmphibiansChytridRECOMMENDEDWorkgroup 2 Susceptibility of amphibians to chytridiomycosis is associated with MHC class II conformation Author(s): Bataille, Arnaud; Cashins, Scott D., et. al. Publication: The Royal Society Publishing Publication Date: 10/3/15RandR ADMINMarch 20, 2015
Interventions for Reducing Extinction Risk in Chytridiomycosis-Threatened Amphibians AmphibiansChytridWorkgroup 2 Interventions for Reducing Extinction Risk in Chytridiomycosis-Threatened Amphibians Author(s): BEN C. SCHEELE, DAVID A. HUNTER, LAURA F. GROGAN, et al Pub: Conservation Biology…RandR ADMINMarch 12, 2015
A century of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Illinois amphibians (1888–1989) AmphibiansChytridWorkgroup 2 A century of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Illinois amphibians (1888–1989) Author(s): Brooke L. Talley, Carly R. Muletz, Vance T. Vredenburg, et al Pub: Biological Conservation…RandR ADMINMarch 12, 2015
Conservation and divergence in the frog immunome: pyrosequencing and de novo assembly of immune tissue transcriptomes AmphibiansRNAiWorkgroup 2 Conservation and divergence in the frog immunome: pyrosequencing and de novo assembly of immune tissue transcriptomes Author(s): Anna E. Savage, Karen M. Kiemnec-Tyburczy, Amy R. Ellison, et al Pub: Gene Pub…RandR ADMINMarch 12, 2015
Unexpected Rarity of the Pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Appalachian Plethodon Salamanders: 1957–2011 AmphibiansChytridWorkgroup 2 Unexpected Rarity of the Pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Appalachian Plethodon Salamanders: 1957–2011 Author(s): Carly Muletz, Nicholas M. Caruso, Robert C. Fleischer, et al Pub: PLOS One Pub…RandR ADMINMarch 12, 2015
First Evidence of Amphibian Chytrid Fungus ( Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ) and Ranavirus in Hong Kong Amphibian Trade AmphibiansChytridWorkgroup 2 First Evidence of Amphibian Chytrid Fungus ( Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ) and Ranavirus in Hong Kong Amphibian Trade Author(s): Jonathan E. Kolby, Kristine M. Smith, Lee Berger, William B. Karesh, Asa Preston, Allan…RandR ADMINFebruary 26, 2015