Citizen Science for the Passenger Pigeon – Join the Project! De-ExtinctionPassenger Pigeon Citizen Science for the Passenger Pigeon – Join the Project! -Ben J. Novak Revive & Restore’s Great Passenger Pigeon Comeback began in 2012 with two…RandR ADMINFebruary 4, 2020
Meet the Scientists Bringing Back Extinct Species From the Dead De-ExtinctionPassenger Pigeon Meet the Scientists Bringing Back Extinct Species From the Dead Meet the Scientists Bringing Extinct Species Back From the Dead Wall Street Journal – October…RandR ADMINOctober 10, 2018
Experimental Investigation of the Dietary Ecology of the Extinct Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius Passenger Pigeon Experimental Investigation of the Dietary Ecology of the Extinct Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius The passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) was the dominant species in eastern North American forests for…RandR ADMINMarch 14, 2018
The Paradoxical Passenger Pigeon Genome Passenger Pigeon The Paradoxical Passenger Pigeon Genome Image credit: Tim Hough Natural selection shaped the rise and fall of passenger pigeon genomic…RandR ADMINNovember 16, 2017
The Great Comeback Down Under De-ExtinctionPassenger Pigeon The Great Comeback Down Under Ben Novak – Revive & Restore's Lead Researcher for The Great Passenger Pigeon Comeback –…RandR ADMINMay 2, 2017
The Rousing of an 11-Year-Old De-Extincter! Passenger Pigeon The Rousing of an 11-Year-Old De-Extincter! A big part of what we do at Revive & Restore is bring together scientists…RandR ADMINJanuary 30, 2017
The Passenger Pigeon: The Ecosystem Engineer of Eastern North American Forests Passenger Pigeon The Passenger Pigeon: The Ecosystem Engineer of Eastern North American Forests By Ben J. Novak Ryan Phelan and Stewart Brand congratulate Ben Novak at the…RandR ADMINDecember 12, 2016
Informing Bird Conservationists on Current and Potential Uses of Genetic Rescue Passenger Pigeon Informing Bird Conservationists on Current and Potential Uses of Genetic Rescue By Ben J. Novak At the 2016 North American Ornithology Conference (NAOC) held this August in…RandR ADMINNovember 9, 2016
The CRISPR Craze Takes Flight: Adding Birds to the CRISPR Zoo Passenger Pigeon The CRISPR Craze Takes Flight: Adding Birds to the CRISPR Zoo By Ben J. Novak I returned from Taipei, Taiwan today after attending the Avian Model Systems…RandR ADMINApril 14, 2016
2015 Year End Report by Stewart Brand De-ExtinctionHeath HenPassenger Pigeon 2015 Year End Report by Stewart Brand Revive & Restore has set out to expand conservation practice by demonstrating how new genomic…RandR ADMINDecember 29, 2015