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Our R&D Programs

Our programs support the research, development and field testing of new genetic rescue tools that address global conservation crises. Programs span the breadth of the Genetic Rescue Toolkit, from genome sequencing to advanced reproductive techniques to the de-extinction of lost species.

Advanced Coral Toolkit

The Advanced Coral Toolkit program supports the development and field testing of new biotechnologies that have the potential to greatly benefit coral resilience and restoration efforts. The goal is to help corals (and the communities that depend on them) flourish despite their warming, changing world through the use of biotechnology.

Biotechnology for Bird Conservation

The Biotechnology for Bird Conservation program assembles the world’s leading scientists to develop a suite of biotechnologies capable of helping birds thrive in a world increasingly shaped by human-driven change. Our vision is to create and deploy the genetic rescue toolkit for endangered and extinct birds.

Black-footed Ferret Recovery

The Black-Footed Ferret Recovery program applies cloning technologies to restore lost genetic diversity and facilitate heritable disease resistance in endangered black-footed ferrets. Our goal is to help improve the long-term resilience and recovery of the species.

Informed Biobanking

The Informed Biobanking program is a first-of-its-kind partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to biobank living tissues from U.S. threatened and endangered animal species. Our goal is to safeguard genetic diversity while we still can, and ensure genetic rescue options for long-term species recovery.

Passenger Pigeon Revival

The extinction of the Passenger Pigeon, one of the world’s most abundant bird species, was a sobering lesson. The Passenger Pigeon Revival program works to bring back the passenger pigeon, to both demonstrate the potential of genomic intervention for wildlife conservation and help restore the ecology of North America’s forests.

Przewalski’s Horse Recovery

The Przewalski’s Horse Recovery program is a collaborative effort that has successfully cloned multiple endangered Przewalski’s horses for captive breeding. This groundbreaking achievement was conceived as a new strategy to restore genetic diversity to the Przewalski’s horse species.

Stem Cell Technologies for Genetic Rescue

Wildlife populations are declining at an alarming rate, and we need innovative solutions to save species from extinction. Revive & Restore’s newest program explores stem cell technology as a way to achieve offspring for endangered species, fight wildlife disease, and engineer resilience in today’s changing world.

Synthetic Alternatives to Horseshoe Crab Blood

The current over-exploitation of horseshoe crabs by the pharmaceutical industry threatens the survival of this ancient and ecologically important species. This program advocates for the safe and effective synthetic alternatives to horseshoe crab blood that have been available (but stymied) for decades.

Wild Genomes

Genetic rescue tools are urgently needed to turn the tide for species on the brink. Wild Genomes is a funding program that provides state-of-the-art genomic tools to the people who need them most: field scientists, wildlife managers, and citizens working to protect their local biodiversity.

Heath Hen Revival

Restoring the Heath Hen—a species of Prairie chicken that went extinct in 1932—to the sand plains of the Northeast United States has the potential to revitalize the conservation of this unique habitat.

Ocean Genomics Horizon Scan

This report provides a first-of-its-kind assessment of genomic and biotech innovations to complement, enhance, and accelerate today’s marine conservation strategies.

Woolly Mammoth Revival

From 2013 to 2021, we hosted workshops, funded research, and organized R&D milestones for the Woolly Mammoth Revival program. In 2021, the for-profit company Colossal established ownership of the Woolly Mammoth Revival program.