Each year more than 6,000 students from 45 countries come to Boston at Halloween for iGEM to reveal how they have tackled some of the world’s most pressing problems using engineered biology. In addition to being the most souped-up science fair in the world, iGEM is also a crossroads for academics, policymakers, industry leaders, and even artists. The event culminates at the Giant Jamboree, a rite of passage for young scientists, in which they present their results to a panel of judges and an amphitheater of their peers.
Revive & Restore sponsored a booth at iGEM 2019. Lead Scientist Ben Novak and Catalyst Science Fund Program Manager Bridget Baumgartner discussed our work and announced that we will sponsor up to 12 iGEM teams in 2020 through the Catalyst Science Fund. Our follow-up survey found that for 94% of respondents, Ben and Bridget had raised their interest in using synthetic biology for the genetic rescue of wildlife—a real win for biodiversity. We are excited to inspire a new generation of genetic rescuers in 2020.
The formidable crowd at iGEM Giant Jamboree 2019. Photos courtesy iGEM Foundation and Justin Knight.
Lead Scientist Ben Novak at the Revive & Restore booth.
A winning iGEM 2019 team.