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Suggested Reading from Workshop Participants

(Prepared Oct. 18, 2012)

Michael Archer:

Confronting crises in conservation: a talk on the wild side, In “A Zoological Revolution

Link to publications:


Joel Berger:

Pleistocene Rewilding: An Optimistic Agenda for Twenty-First Century Conservation, In “The American Naturalist

Re-wilding North America, In “Nature

Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth, In “Science

Berger, J.  1986.  WILD HORSES OF THE GREAT BASIN: Social Competition and Population Size.  University of Chicago Press. 

Berger, J.  2008.  THE BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH: Fear in the Animal World.  University of Chicago Press.

Hilary Bok:

Why Cloning Companion Animals is Wrong, In “Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science


Stewart Brand:


NATURE’S GHOSTS: Confronting Extinction from the Age of Jefferson to the Age of Ecology – Mark V. Barrow, Jr. (2009)

The idea of extinction didn’t exist in Jefferson’s time. There’s been one harsh revelation after another since then, chronicled in this wonderful history. The current generation of biologists will write the next chapter.


REGENESIS: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves – George Church and Ed Regis (2012)

One of the world’s leading genomic engineers spells out how rapidly his field is developing radical capabilities. (Church is involved in the passenger pigeon revival project.)

BIOLOGY IS TECHNOLOGY: The Promise, Peril, and New Business of Engineering Life – Robert H. Carlson. (2011)

Rob Carlson is currently the best chronicler of the pace and range of progress in biotechnology.

THE MOLECULE HUNT: Archaeology and the Search for Ancient DNA – Martin Jones (2001)

A little dated already, this account by an insider covers the early years of biomolecular archaeology. There needs to be a new book on current “ancient DNA” discoveries.

WHOLE EARTH DISCIPLINE: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto – Stewart Brand (2009)

My book has two chapters on the emerging role of biotech in environmentalsim and a chapter on conservation biology in this century (Anthropocene ecology).


THE CALIFORNIA CONDOR: A Saga of Natural History and Conservation – Noel Snyder and Helen Snyder (2000)

Down to 22 birds in 1981, the condor is back to over 400, with half of them now in the wild. This encyclopedic work shows how important good field science was. A shorter version is Introduction to the California Condor (2005) by the same authors.

ZOO CONSERVATION BIOLOGY John Fa, Stephan Funk, Donnamarie O’Connell (2011)

An excellent survey of the growing role of zoos in conservation biology, including captive breeding and return to the wild. Zoos will be crucial for de-extinction biology.

AMERICAN CHESTNUT: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree – Susan Freinkel (2007)

The revivers of the American chestnut are four decades ahead of everyone else in bringing back an important missing species. For updates, get the quarterly Journal of The American Chestnut Foundation.

ONCE AND FUTURE GIANTS: What Ice Age Extinctions Tell Us About the Fate of Earth’s Largest Animals – Sharon Levy (2011)

A fine introduction to mammoths and mastodons and what it might mean to have them back.

THE PASSENGER PIGEON: Its Natural History and Extinction – A. W. Shorger (1955)

The definitive compendium of passenger pigeon lore.

David Burney:

Fifty millennia of catastrophic extinctions after human contact, In “TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution

Paleoecology and “inter-situ” restoration on Kaua`i, Hawai`i, In “Frontiers in Ecology

Can Unwanted Suburban Tortoises Rescue Native Hawaiian Plants?, In “The Tortoise

Burney, D.A., 2010.  BACK TO THE FUTURE IN THE CAVES OF KAUA’I: A Scientist’s Adventures in the Dark.  New Haven, Yale University Press.


Alejandro Camacho:

Managed Relocation: Integrating the Scientific, Regulatory, and Ethical Challenges (with Mark Schwartz et al.). 62 BioScience 732-743 (2012)

Assisted Migration: Redefining Nature and Natural Resource Law under Climate Change, 27 Yale J. on Reg. 171-255 (2010)

Reassessing Conservation Goals in a Changing Climate (with Holly Doremus, Jason McLachlan, & Ben Minteer), Issues in Sci. & Tech., Summer 2010, 21-26

Multidimensional evaluation of managed relocation (with David Richardson et al.), 106 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 9721-24 (2009)


Alberto Fernández-Arias:

The Bucardo Recovery Plan, In “2nd World Conference on Mountain Ungulates

Reproductive Characteristics of Spanish ibex in Captivity, In “2nd World Conference on Mountain Ungulates

Low diversity in the major histocompatibility complex class II DRB1 gene of the Spanish ibex, Capra pyrenaica, In “Heredity

Evaluation of the Neuroleptic “Haloperidol” for Non-stressfull FSH Superovulation of Domestic Goats, In “Theriogenology

Interspecies Pregnancy of Spanish ibex Fetus in Domestic Goat Recipients Induces Abnormally High Plasmatic Levels of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein, In, “Theriogenology

Superovulation of Tranquilized Spanish ibex Females, In “Theriogenology

Use of Hybrids as Recipients in Interspecies Embryo Transfer in the Capra Genus, In, “Theriogenology

First birth of an animal from an extinct subspecies (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica) by cloning, In Theriogenology

Successful Interspecific Embryo Trnasfer between Spanish ibex and Domestic Goat using Microposmotic Pumps for FSH Administration, In “Theriogenology

Haematology of Spanish ibex restrained by physical or chemical means, In “The Veterinary Record

Effect of captivity on the blood composition of Spanish ibexThe Veterinary Record


Michael Hofreiter:

Substitutions in woolly mammoth hemoglobin confer biochemical properties adaptive for cold tolerance, In “Nature Genetics

Coat Color Variation at the Beginning of Horse Domestication, In “Science

Nuclear Gene Indicates Coat-Color Polymorphism in Mammoths, In “Science

A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Allele Suggests Varying Pigmentation Among Neanderthals, In, “Science


Kate Jones:

Multiple Causes of High Extinction Risk in Large Mammal Species, In “Science

Mammals on the EDGE: Conservation Priorities Based on Threat and Phylogeny, In “PLoS ONE

The delayed rise of present-day mammals, In “Nature

Coral cryopreservation –

Frozen Ark

Edge project

Papers from the analysis behind the Edge project attached or linked to here and some papers on predicting extinction

Alliance for Zero extinction

Indicators and Assessment team at ZSL which includes the Living Planet Index and the Sampled and National Red Lists



Henri Kerkdijk-Otten:

Recommended Literature

Project TaurOs:,8599,1961918,00.html

 Water Buffalo:

 Wild horses: – cr


Robert Lanza:

Cloning of an Endangered Species (Bos gaurus) Using Interspecies Nuclear Transfer, In “CLONING

Cloning Noah’s Ark, In “Scientific American

PRINCIIPLES OF CLONING, by Robert Lanza, Keith Campbell, Michael D. West and Jose Cibelli, Academic Press; 1 edition (August 23, 2002)


Michael McGrew:

Ben Novak

 The half-life of DNA in bone: measuring decay kinetics in 158 dated fossils; “Proceedings of the Royal Society”

Something the aDNA people could read into are the conservation papers concerning the Chatham Island black robin, as they are important for showing how a single pair of individuals can produce a population.

High-Speed Developments in Avian Genomics, In BioScience. (This paper would also be good, for talking about bird genomes as models for vertebrate work. The 454 sequencing method is phasing out, but it’s still a good paper.)

Ryan Phelan

The EcoPerception Gap; In Conservation Magazine

Disexinction, Inc.;In Nature


William Powell:


Fungal and Bacterial Resistance in Transgenic Trees


Marilyn Renfree:

Thylacinidae, In “Fauna of Australia

Pask AJ, Behringer, RR and Renfree, MB. (2008) Resurrection of DNA function in vivo from an extinct genome. PLoS One 3: e2240

Menzies BR, Renfree MB, Heider T, Mayer F, Hildebrandt TB and Pask, AJ. (2012) Limited genetic diversity preceded extinction of the Tasmanian tiger. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35433.


Oliver Ryder:

Cloning advances and challenges for conservation, In “TRENDS in Biotechnology

Conservation genomics: applying whole genome studies to species conservation efforts, In “Cytogenetic and Genome Research

ECOLOGY: DNA Banks for Endangered Animal Species, In “Science

DNA Sequences from the quagga, an extinct member of the horse family, In “Nature

Got Hybridization? A Multidisciplinary Approach for Informing Science Policy, In “BioScience

The Legacy of Lonesome George, In “Nature

Impacts of the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution and KPg Extinction on Mammal Diversification, In “Sciencexpress

Induced pluripotent stem cells from highly endangered species, In “Nature Methods

Lonesome no more, In “NewScientist

The Frozen Zoo, In “GeneWatch

Construction of a California condor BAC library and first-generation chicken–condor comparative physical map as an endangered species conservation genomics resource, In “Genomics 88

Tudge, Colin. THE ENGINEER IN THE GARDEN, Hill and Wang. New York. 1993.


Mary Schweitzer:

The Future of Molecular Paleontiology, In “Palaeontologia Electronica”

Soft Tissue Preservation in Terrestrial Mesozoic Vertebrates, In Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences”

Biomolecular Characterization and Protein Sequences of the Campanian Hadrosaur B. Canadensis, In “Science

Dinosaur Peptides Suggest Mechanisms of Protein Survival, In “PLoS ONE

Keratin Immunoreactivity in the Late Cretaceous Bird Rahonavis ostromi, In “Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology

Identification of Immunoreactive Material in Mammoth Fossils, In “Journal of Molecular Evolution

Molecular Phylogenetics of Mastodon and Tyrannosaurus rex, In “Science”


Stanley Temple:

Ecology and Management of Small Populations, In “WILDLIFE TECHNIQUES MANUAL” published by The Wildlife Society

Captive Propagation and Translocation, In “WILDLIFE TECHNIQUES MANUAL” published by The Wildlife Society


Frans Vera:

Advances in Prospect Theory: Cumulative Representation of Uncertainty, In “Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

Biodiversity loss, trophic skew and ecosystem functioning, In “Ecology Letters

Large-scale nature development – the Oostvaardersplassen, In “British Wildlife

Reconciling Nature and Human Interests, In “Advice of the International Committee on the Management of large herbivores in the Oostvaardersplassen (ICMO)

Dirty pigs beat disease, In “Nature

Reflecting the past, In “Nature

Aanbieding ICMO advies, In “Advice of the International Committee on the Management of large herbivores in the Oostvaardersplassen (ICMO)

Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory Abstract

Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk, In “Econometrica

Natural processes, animal welfare, moral aspects and management of the Oostvaardersplassen, In “Report of the second International Commission on Management of the Oostvaardersplassen (ICMO2)

The Shifting Baseline Syndrome, In “Marine Pollution Bulletin

Anecdotes and the shifting baseline syndrome of fisheries, In “TREE

The Oostrvaardersdplassen Large-scale nature development

Shifting the Baseline Syndrome in Restoration Ecology, In “Restoration and History: The Search for a Usable Environmental Past

Large herbivores: missing partners of western European light-demanding tree and shrub species?, In “Large Herbivore Ecology, Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation

THE GHOST OF EVOLUTION. Nonsensical Fruit, Missing Partners, and Other Ecological Anachronisms. By Connie Barlow (2000), Foreword by Paul Martin. Basic Books

WONDERFUL LIFE. The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. By Stephen Gould (1989). W.W. Norton & Company New York.

RAMBUNCTIOUS GARDEN. Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World. Emma Marris (2011). Bloomsbury New York.

WILD HOPE: On the Front Lines of Conservation Success. Andrew Balmford (2012). The University of Chicago Press.

GRAZING, ECOLOGY AND FOREST HISTORY, F.W.M. Vera (2000). CABI Publishing Wallingford.


Nathan Wolfe:

Evolution of Endogenous Retrovirus-like Elements of the Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and its Relatives, In “Molecular Biology and Evolution

Interactions between Exogenous and EndogenousRetroviruses, In “Journal of Biomedical Science


Guojie Zhang:

The half-life of DNA in bone: measuring decay kinetics in 158 dated fossils, In “The Royal Society


Sergey Zimov:

Pleistocene Park: Return of the Mammoth’s Ecosystem, In “Science

The Past and Future of the Mammoth Steppe Ecosystem, In “Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation

Steppe-Tundra Transition: A herbivore-Driven Biome Shift at the End of the Pleistocene, In “American Naturalist

PALEONTOLOGY IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, Louys, J. 2012 (ed.) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_10. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

Church G, Regis E.  (2012) REGENESIS: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves.  New York: Basic Books.